I met Peter at an architecture tour. We had a great conversation and he told me about his truffle business. He explained truffles are becoming harder to find as the planet warms up, and that there’s a thriving trade in fake products because of the high price of real truffles. His enthusiasm was contagious and a visit to his truffle farm was my opportunity to learn more about this 'mushroom' and why it’s known as ‘black gold’...
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The farm, which has its own micro climate, is located on the beautiful Australian "Great Dividing Range". Upon arriving at the Truffière, we were greeted by Jose, Peter’s super cute truffle hunter. According to Peter, pugs are not a common choice for this specialised job, but Jose more than rises to the challenge, as you can see in this episode.

The farm is located at the top of a hill surrounded by enormous rocks and stunning views of the countryside. Peter built it to have minimum impact on the environment. It really shows his love for the land and all things living there, including his truffles.
Stevie found a huge bone which kept her entertained for a while. We later learned it was a kangaroo bone that Jose had found and was gnawing on earlier in the day.

Our hosts were amazing and it was such a privilege to spend time with them at their beautiful farm but also having had the chance to learn so much about the incredible world of TRUFFLES.
We left with an invitation to return for dinner at the next truffle season. I can't wait!
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