Unbelievable! I just got my post censored! I decided to discuss a taboo topic online and posted a photo to illustrate copy... my post came down in seconds.
You must be wondering what atrocious image I posted: scenes of death, violence? Nothing like that! My post was about art. Worse, I posted art which celebrates the beauty of older women. Unforgivable!
I recently volunteered for the "Flesh after Fifty" art exhibit.
The event was created to promote a positive image of ageing women and to change the narrative around the ideal aesthetic of female beauty.
When we visit museums and galleries around the world, 'beautiful' women are always represented in their youth. This same youth is the standard of female beauty on the pages of fashion magazines, in films and in advertising.
For us, men, there is less pressure to remain forever young. It is common for the male protagonist in film and television to be a mature men, despite their wrinkles and grey hair. Perhaps because it is a male dominated society which determines what should be the standard of female beauty?

Censorship of this post is almost an analogy to real life, where the body of older women is forbidden, hidden from the public eye. But times are changing and works of art such as the sculpture "Mater", by Sam Jinks, offer the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the mature woman, with all their wrinkles, folds, strength and wisdom.
#livinglife #liveyourbestlife #fitover40 #wrinkles #ageisjustanumber #fitover50 #over40 #ageless #over50 #thisis50 #silverfox #over50style #embracelife #travel #grayhairdontcare #so50 #wanderlust #travelblogger #traveltheworld #so50visible